Monday, April 19, 2010


Once again Brace Jam was awesome. I kind of blew it when it comes to filming and didn't get a lot of the stuff that was going down but as always there were several different "Best Trick" skate and bike jams. It's no surprise that the highlight of the night came from Matt Plassman and it in the form of a 270 out of the tall bank to stall on the fence. Matt also did a stall to fakie on the fence which you can see in the video. Thank to Beau and everyone at Rye, all the companies that donated product, Earl, Tom, Sanderson, Brian Hunt and anyone else who helped out, and Thanks to everyone showed up and helped us raise over $2000.00!

On a side note we are offering a reward for information or the return of Boston Bike Video Guy Chris Long's Mac Book Pro, which was stolen from Rye Airfield the night of Brace Jam. He showed up to do a segment for VitalBmx and ESPN and someone ripped off his computer. This guy does alot for the scene in this area on his own dime, and he his not able to work without it. So if you know anything please contact me, no questions if returned.

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